I read a lot of romance, but paranormal books are also one of my many catches, this year I developed a love/like for erotica, so they are definitely something to look at, between not because of 50 shades. I blog bout a year and discovered many of those awesome new debuts on the blogosphere.
This was just an okay book for me. Dev was never a big mention and suddenly he gets his own story, so that didn't made me excited to read it. But Katya made things really interesting after I realised she had more to this story than my first thoughts.
So things were a little weird, like Katya sudden urge to go north, and that didn't got a good explanation either. I wanted to know more about her getting back to life experience, but will get to that in the next books for sure.
This these as couple were okay for me, but not that different like the psy and changeling relationships. I liked Katya better and Dev was really boring, even with his powers.
This story was something out of a movie. We got Eve trying to find the body and the murder, but the worst part was this investigation made a huge dent on Eve and Roarke happy marriage. I love how their marriage is different, but Roarke is always understanding about the hours and the danger. Eve has a hard time accepting that Roarke has so much anger towards those men responsible for hurt and pain to little Eve. So when this story started to connect with that agency, I was a little worried about those two.
For me this is a short story, but you need to follow the series to completely understand both sides and their reasons for the choices made in this.
The plot was a little different because we have two important parts of both packs discovering a mating dance, but the best part of this book for me was Mercy and her softer side, because she's very much one of the boys and for the first time I have a feeling she's lonely and needing a little attention.
Never realised she had that big of family, but it was quite nice seeing her mother and the way strong and independent woman are part of the family. Loved Eduardo and Joaquim, con they return please? Wanted more of their suave moves with different pack members.
In this book we also have the humans showing a dark and very dangerous side with the Human Alliance. I liked the rats being helpfull too, but I want to know more about them. This book had it all, but I loved the changes in Brenna and Riley, they needed a lighter side after the way Enrique broke their trust.
I loved Nikolai even after the way he treated Myst. She played him from day one and after the tables were turned things changed a little for her. This was actually a quick story, but we can see that Myst is the always powerfull Valkyrie and seduces those guys. Nikolai had a hard time understanding that. It's also interesting that in this series all kinds of otherworld species have a chance at love. Vampires have their Brides and Nikolai was really thankfull fr finding his. I liked this little story and they were super sexy together.
This case was too close for Eve because she had to investigate the murder of another detective and the worst part was that said detective was in reality the girlfriend of Morris. We all know how possessive Eve is with her friends so when she found out things became personal and the killer had no way of escaping.
I liked the investigation and things were actually very fast but I felt sorry for Morris, because is clear during this book he was clealry in love with the girl and she was a nice woman. After the investigation and the way things changed we can see he's having a hard time accepting she's gone, but he trusted Eve to find the killer and bring it to justice.
I liked how this case is connected with an older case Eve had a hard time closing a couple of books ago, but the best part for me was how Roarke was always there helping her. And we also had the preparations for Lousie wedding. With lots of girlie time that Eve did not understood but actually enjoyed.
Maddie was such a wonderful woman, she chose to move states just to be closer to her mother and help her sister. She's truly a great woman and her life is all about creating fantasy worlds. She's an author, a very succesful one and decided to move because her sister asked her. It's not that simple to create a story and she has a deadline, but the house she was in made things extremely difficult. We can see her having a difficult time to concentrate with strange noises. But her friend and neighbor helped a lot with the offer to find her a place to work.
The inn was perfect and we can see that in the end everything would turn okay for her characters, but the best part for me was Maddie falling in love with the inn's owner. Art was a man suffering, after losing his wife we can clearly see that nothing is keeping him alive and after those letters from Maddie each day demonstrated such a change. Loved Ginny and Maddie. Art was a difficult guy to love, but a good guy too. Super sweet romance.